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CPM 3-V CPM Steel 1/8″ x 1-3/4″ ( sold by the ft )


SKU CPMv3-18x134 Categories , , Tag

CPM 3-V is a tough and well known Crucible steel with a fair amount of chromium and the ability to hold a very fine edge, but slightly simpler in composition than S30 or S35-VN.

Between the corrosion resistance and toughness, CPM 3-V rarely disappoints and fits a wide range of categories for blades where a more expensive CPM may not be necessary.

Like all Crucible CPMs, the combination of powdered metallurgy and Crucible quality stand out in a performance steel that readily adapts to almost any situation.

NJSB also offers decarb free grinding for an additional fee if you do not, or cannot, surface grind at your shop.

3 in stock