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8670(L6) Tool Steel 3/16″ x 1-1/2″ ( sold by the ft )


SKU 8670-L6-TS-316x112 Categories , , Tags , , ,

L-6 is an oil hardening tool steel that is tough and versatile commonly used outside the knife industry for tools, dies, and machine parts.

However, in the blade world, L-6 is highly sought for as it makes great knives and swords alike. As a high carbon steel, the distinct higher nickel content creates a more impact resistant alloy than many others and why for many years people believed it was the steel used for large buck-saws and sawmill blades.

The L6 provided by NJSB is a known workhorse and a favorite among discerning swordsmiths all over the globe—from the US all the way down under in Australia.

Resilient, strong, and capable of taking a keen edge, few forging steels in its ranks carry the notoriety and fame as L6, which is why you find it is one thing we take great pride in being able to supply the community.

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