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1084 Carbon Steel 1/8″ x 1-3/4″ ( sold by the ft )


SKU CS1084-18x134 Categories , , Tags ,

Among those classic forging steels thought to be in limited quantity available to makers, it has become one of the top selling and recommended steels now available through NJ Steel Baron, LLC.

Our own blend of 1084 has been carefully adjusted so that forges and grinds easily, requires only the very basics of a simple heat treatment, and an ideal choice for makers both beginners and seasoned smiths alike. Since 1084 is a high carbon steel, it will rust and tarnish if not properly taken care of, so makers should warn customers of possible corrosion issues if they do not clean and oil blades after use.

Straight from our stock, our 1084 comes pickled and annealed, so makers can be assured that it will arrive ready and able to be forged or ground into a great blade, or used in damascus steel production.

Whether you want to make a kitchen knife, small every day carry, or that big honking zombie or camp chopper, you won’t be disappointed by our 1084’s ability to harden, offer good abrasion resistance, solid edge retention, and even the ability to Hamon when heat treated well.

1 in stock